Audition information

Principal second violin
Application deadline
February 16, 2018
Audition date
April 30 through May 2, 2018
$76,035 per year
Go to web page

(Posted on January 11, 2018; last updated about 7 years ago)

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Audition Repertoire
Bach solo
BachPartita No. 2
  • Sarabande
One of the following concerto movements
MozartViolin Concerto No. 4 in D Major, K. 218
  • Mvt. I: exposition
MozartViolin Concerto No. 5 in A Major, K. 219
  • Mvt. I: exposition
First violin excerpts
MendelssohnA Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op. 61
  • Scherzo: 17–99
MozartSymphony No. 39, K. 543
  • Mvt. I: 1–27
TchaikovskyThe Nutcracker
  • Overture: 5 after F to the end
Second violin excerpts
HindemithThe Four Temperaments
  • Variation B: 4 after 16 to 17
  • Variation B: 5 before 19 to 5 after 19
  • Variation D: 1 to 7 before 42
MozartSymphony No. 35, “Haffner”
  • Mvt. IV: 131–181
ProkofievRomeo and Juliet
  • No. 19, Balcony Scene: 135136
  • No. 35, Romeo decides to avenge Mercutio: 272276
  • No. 52, Juliet’s Death: 9 after 362 to 6 before 363
StravinskyViolin Concerto
  • Mvt. I: 2832
  • Coda: 7176
Chamber music
DvořákPiano Quintet
  • Mvt. I: exposition

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