Florida Orchestra violin audition

Audition information

Section violin
Application deadline
April 16, 2018
Audition date
May 14–15, 2018
Weeks in season
$34,255 per service
Go to web page

(Posted on March 1, 2018; last updated over 6 years ago)

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Audition Repertoire
The exposition of the first movement of a Mozart concerto of your choice
The first movement, without cadenza, of a standard Romantic violin concerto of your choice
First violin excerpts
BeethovenSymphony No. 9, “Choral,” Op. 125
  • Mvt. III: 99–114
BrahmsSymphony No. 4
  • Mvt. I: 2 before Q to the end
MendelssohnA Midsummer Night’s Dream, Op. 61
  • Scherzo: 17–99
MozartSymphony No. 39, K. 543
  • Mvt. II: 1–27
  • Mvt. IV: 1–41
ProkofievSymphony No. 5
  • Mvt. III: 58 to 8 after 63
  • Mvt. III: 72 to 1 after 73
StraussDer Rosenkavalier Suite
  • beginning–8
Possible sight-reading

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