Audition information

Principal bass
Application deadline
April 7, 2023
Audition date
April 24, 2023
$152.46 per service
Go to web page

(Posted on March 17, 2023; last updated over 1 year ago)

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Audition Repertoire
A concerto from the standard repertoire of the applicant’s choice (an excerpt of three to four minutes)
A single movement of any Bach solo cello suite of the applicant’s choice
Orchestral excerpts
BartókConcerto for Orchestra
  • Mvt. I: 1–76
BeethovenSymphony No. 5
  • Mvt. III: 1–78
  • Mvt. III: 140–177
BeethovenSymphony No. 9, “Choral,” Op. 125
  • Mvt. IV: 1–107
BrahmsSymphony No. 2
  • Mvt. IV: 24 after K to M
MozartSymphony No. 35, “Haffner”
  • Mvt. IV: 134–181
MozartSymphony No. 40
  • Mvt. I: 114–134
  • Mvt. IV: 49–65
  • Mvt. IV: 153–205
  • Act IV: U to 7 after X
GinasteraVariaciones concertantes, Op. 23
  • Variation XI: 6568
MahlerSymphony No. 1
  • Mvt. III: 3–10
ProkofievLieutenant Kijé Suite
  • Mvt. II: 2 after 15 to 16
StravinskyPulcinella Suite
  • Mvt. VII
Possible sight-reading

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